Komodo Natural Tropical Vine

A flexible climbing aid and decoration

96 % of 100
At a glance...
  • Decorative vine for arboreal climbers
  • Natural coating with a wire core
  • Mimics natural vines from many habitats
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These vines are easy to use and shape, with a great flexibility to put them into the best position that you need. The rich green colour makes them look natural in planted set ups, and they suit rainforest set ups perfectly.

The vines themselves contain a natural coating which helps prevent injury, and also means that they are hygienic and easy to clean. These low maintenance vines are ideal for climbing, basking, and provide a great enrichment to keep your reptiles entertained. The more you can mimic their natural environment, the better it is for them, so natural green vines are ideal for this.

These are wire cored, so bend easily to suit the shapes you need, and will hold that style that you need, which utilises the space in the enclosure more effectively and gives a more realistic environment for arboreal species. They are chew and rot resistant, as well as being non-toxic.

These come in a choice of sizes, varying in thickness:

Small - 1.80m x 5mm

Medium - 1.80m x 10mm

Large - 1.80m x 20mm

Wide - 90cm x 25mm

Product Dimensions
Small 1.8m x 5mm
Medium 1.8m x 10mm
Large 1.8m x 20mm
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