The Spider Shop Beetle Substrates

A great choice of substrate for beetle terrariums

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At a glance...
  • Rich substrate for beetle enclosures
  • Encourages egg laying behaviour
  • Comes in a variety of style to suit your beetles
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Available in two variations, a Beetle Wood and Beetle Leaf, these specially designed substrates from The Spider Shop are the perfect choice for your Beetle species, providing everything they need to thrive.

The Beetle Wood is a mix of decayed wood, that is ideal for breeding and rearing of Beetle Grubs. Comprising of mainly decayed Oak wood, this substrate is ideal for Stag and Rhino Beetles and a perfect choice for egg laying and feeding of larvae. Suitable for use with any invertebrates that consume decayed wood, this is mixed and ready to use, and available in a 3ltr bag.

When using Beetle Wood, it is recommended that the depth should be at least 3 times the length of the female. Stag Beetles should have the bottom 2" or so compacted down as hard as possible, to provide a good laying area. Rhino and Flower Beetles should ideally have Beetle Wood mixed with Beetle Leaf.

Beetle Leaf is a decayed leaf mix that is perfect for Flower Beetles, perfect for egg laying and feeding larvae as well. It includes a mix of decayed Oak and Beech leaf litter, with active enzymes and also fungal mycelium. Additive-free and untreated, this can be soaked or heat treated before use if required.

For smaller species, ideally use around 15 - 20cm depth of Beetle Leaf for egg laying, though a larger amount of 3 times the females length would be required for larger species.

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