Help Guides
Categories: Care sheetsLizards
Fire skink, Lepidothyris fernandi, care sheet
Fire skink, Lepidothyris fernandi, husbandry guide from the experts at Swell Reptiles, covering housing, heating, lighting and more. -
Categories: Care sheetsLizards
Ackie monitor, Varanus acanthurus, care sheet
Ackie monitor, Varanus acanthurus, husbandry guide from the experts at Swell Reptiles, covering housing, heating, lighting and more. -
Categories: Care sheetsSnakes
Carpet python, Morelia spilota, care sheet
Carpet python, Morelia spilota, husbandry guide from the experts at Swell Reptiles, covering housing, heating, lighting and more. -
Categories: Care sheetsInvertebrates
Red knee tarantula, Brachypelma hamorii, care sheet
Red knee tarantula, Brachypelma hamorii, husbandry guide from the experts at Swell Reptiles, covering housing, heating, lighting and more. -
Categories: Care sheetsSnakes
Western hognose snake, Heterodon nasicus, care sheet
Western hognose snake, Heterodon nasicus, husbandry guide from the experts at Swell Reptiles, covering housing, heating, lighting and more. -
Categories: Care sheetsLizards
Red eye crocodile skink, Tribolonotus gracilis, care sheet
Red eye crocodile skink, Tribolonotus gracilis, husbandry guide from the experts at Swell Reptiles, covering housing, heating, lighting and more. -
Categories: Care sheetsLizards
Peacock day gecko, Phelsuma quadriocellata, care sheet
Peacock day gecko, Phelsuma quadriocellata, husbandry guide from the experts at Swell Reptiles, covering housing, heating, lighting and more. -
Categories: Care sheetsSnakes
Common boa, Boa constrictor imperator, care sheet
Common boa, Boa constrictor imperator, husbandry guide from the experts at Swell Reptiles, covering housing, heating, lighting and more. -
Categories: Care sheetsAmphibians
Oriental fire-bellied toad, Bombina orientalis, care sheet
Oriental fire-bellied toad, Bombina orientalis, husbandry guide from the experts at Swell Reptiles, covering housing, heating, lighting and more.