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  1. Are reptiles good pets?
    Categories: SnakesLizardsChelonians

    Are reptiles good pets?

    Reptiles are very popular pets in the UK, and for good reason, read inside to find out why you should get one of your own.
  2. Gopher snake, Pituophis catenifer, care sheet
    Categories: Care sheetsSnakes

    Gopher snake, Pituophis catenifer, care sheet

    Gopher snake, Pithuophis catenifer, husbandry guide from the experts at Swell Reptiles, covering housing, heating, lighting and more.
  3. Mandarin rat snake, Euprepiophis mandarinus, care sheet
    Categories: Care sheetsSnakes

    Mandarin rat snake, Euprepiophis mandarinus, care sheet

    Mandarin rat snake, Euprepiophis mandarinus, husbandry guide from the experts at Swell Reptiles, covering housing, heating, lighting and more.
  4. Amazon tree boa, Corallus hortulana, care sheet
    Categories: Care sheetsSnakes

    Amazon tree boa, Corallus hortulana, care sheet

    Amazon tree boa, Corallus hortulana, husbandry guide from the experts at Swell Reptiles, covering housing, heating, lighting and more.
  5. Carpet python, Morelia spilota, care sheet
    Categories: Care sheetsSnakes

    Carpet python, Morelia spilota, care sheet

    Carpet python, Morelia spilota, husbandry guide from the experts at Swell Reptiles, covering housing, heating, lighting and more.
  6. Western hognose snake, Heterodon nasicus, care sheet
    Categories: Care sheetsSnakes

    Western hognose snake, Heterodon nasicus, care sheet

    Western hognose snake, Heterodon nasicus, husbandry guide from the experts at Swell Reptiles, covering housing, heating, lighting and more.
  7. Common boa, Boa constrictor imperator, care sheet
    Categories: Care sheetsSnakes

    Common boa, Boa constrictor imperator, care sheet

    Common boa, Boa constrictor imperator, husbandry guide from the experts at Swell Reptiles, covering housing, heating, lighting and more.
  8. Royal python, Python regius, care sheet
    Categories: Care sheetsSnakes

    Royal python, Python regius, care sheet

    Royal python, Python regius, husbandry guide from the experts at Swell Reptiles, covering housing, heating, lighting and more.
  9. Corn snake, Pantherophis guttatus, care sheet
    Categories: Care sheetsSnakes

    Corn snake, Pantherophis guttatus, care sheet

    Corn snake, Pantherophis guttatus, husbandry guide from the experts at Swell Reptiles, covering housing, heating, lighting and more.

Items 1 to 9 of 29 total
