Live Locusts
Help and advice on shopping for: Live Locusts
An excellent live reptile food for Bearded dragons
Live Locusts are the kings of live food, offering the perfect combination of high protein and hunting challenges for a wide variety of reptile species, including Bearded dragons. Our live Locusts range includes a selection of live locust products, including bulk locusts, ideal for keeping your pets well-fed.
What are Locusts?
Locusts are the most common species of live food in the United Kingdom. They are a very popular food that is more attractive than crickets, doesn't escape as easily, doesn't make as much noise and is available in sizes from 10mm to 80mm. Of all the live insects, they are particularly good for large animals such as Bearded dragons or arboreal animals like Chameleons since they like to climb upwards when placed in a vivarium. Locusts are also packed with protein so they will give your reptile exactly what they need for healthy growth.
Can you buy live Locusts?
Yes, you can buy live Locusts from Swell Reptiles. Our live Locusts are raised fresh and despatched from our live food supplier and sent via Royal Mail. As they are sent by a separate supplier, packages with live food will not come with any other items you order. Locusts are the most popular choice of all the live insects for feeding exotic pets in the UK and are a favourite meal of everything from Bearded dragons to Leopard geckos.
Do Locusts bite?
Locusts are entirely vegetarian and will rarely bite humans or pets unless provoked. Locusts biting can occur during a feed, however, Locusts can't really harm most lizards. It's recommended that you take any locusts your pet hasn't eaten out of their enclosure after feeding to ensure there's no harm done to your enclosure or your pet. Generally, Locusts are far more likely to damage live plants than any pets.
How do you keep Locusts alive?
Locusts are quite hardy and require little upkeep to maintain. They are pretty easy to keep, they just need a well-ventilated container kept around 25 degrees celsius, and occasional feed (as too much food can kill them). Most live Locusts live a maximum of 6 months and can be sustained by feeding bran to them every couple of days. It's recommended that you serve live Locusts vegetables and fruit before feeding your reptile to give them a high vegetable gut content that will nourish your pet. A very popular food for Locusts is porridge oats which is an ideal staple diet for medium locusts and large locusts.
What are the main types of locusts for sale?
We sell locusts in three ways; pre-packed, super-packed and bulk. Pre-packed locusts are divided by size, letting you specify a particular locust length to get exactly what your reptile needs. Super-packed locusts are divided in the same way and come in about double the number as the pre-packed ones to reduce the number of deliveries you’ll need, making them ideal for owners of larger reptiles like Bearded dragons. Bulk locusts are split into rough sizes but come in much larger quantities to serve many reptiles at once.
What should I look for?
Check if Locusts are suitable and offer the best nutritional value for your reptile before buying them, while Locusts are an extremely popular live food with some reptile species, such as Bearded dragons and Leopard geckos, others can be very picky and prefer different live food. When choosing the amount of Locust to buy you’ll also need to work out home much live feed you can store and ensure you have enough locust feed for them.