Insect Food and Care
Exo Terra Live Food Cricket Pen Care Kit - Small-LargeIn stockFrom £9.57 Regular Price £13.69 Save £4.12
Help and advice on shopping for: Insect Food and Care
Fatten up your livefood
We all know you are what you eat, so to ensure your reptile, amphibian or invertebrate is well fed you must ensure that their food is also well fed. Care for and gut load your live food with our fantastic range of insect food, including products from ProRep and Reptile Systems.
What is insect food and care?
If you are serving livefood as a staple of your pet’s diet, you will need to store it and feed it. Malnourished flies, cockroaches and worms make terrible food as their bodies have been stressed and will often develop diseases. Our range of insect food and care allows you to ensure your livefood is well fed, making it perfect for your pet to eat. You can also gut load your livefood just before a feed, giving them lots of vitamins and minerals so that when your pet eats them they get lots of extra nutrition.
Why should I buy insect food and care?
Many fussy reptiles will only eat livefood, or will at least prefer it over most other options. You can turn that into an advantage by making livefood as nutrient-rich as any other food option. With careful nutrition planning and gut loading, you can ensure that your pet has everything they need to thrive.
What are the main types of insect food and care?
Insect food and care can be broken into three areas; insect food, gut loading and containers. Insect food is the food you should be giving your livefood every couple of days, it contains a lot of sugar and a mix of everything the livefood needs to grow. Gut load is feed to give your livefood just before they are fed to your reptile, this is full of everything your reptile needs including vitamins and minerals. Containers are small enclosures used to keep livefood.
What should I look for?
Buying general insect food and containers is really just a case of working out how many livefoods you need to care for and then buying enough products for all of them. Gut loading is a little more complex though, you must find out what your pet needs from their food by researching their care thoroughly and then gut load your live food with anything they might be missing out on. Gut loading can take a little trial and error to get right but it is very rewarding.