Reptile Starter Kits
Swell Bearded Dragon Juvenile Starter Kit - BronzeIn stockFrom £242.09 Regular Price £392.98 Save £150.89
Swell Bearded Dragon Starter Kit - PlatinumIn stockFrom £401.09 Regular Price £644.28 Save £243.19
Help and advice on shopping for: Reptile Starter Kits
Everything you need in one place
Getting started with a new reptile species, such as Bearded dragons, can seem daunting, but these Swell Reptile Starter kits make everything easy, with each one containing everything you need to set up a suitable, naturalistic home for your new reptile. Our reptile starter kits include hardware and supplies from many leading brands including Exo Terra, Lucky Reptile and VivExotic.
What are reptile starter kits?
All of our reptile starter kits are broken down by the species they’re designed to house. Each kit is tailored to the environment your pet needs, based on the conditions their species originates from and the best environmental factors to allow them to thrive during their life with you. Some kits accurately replicate a desert environment, with sandy substrates, heat lamps, high-intensity lighting, rocky hides, all kept well-insulated in a wooden vivarium, while other starter kits mimic a rainforest environment, creating a warm, damp and humid atmosphere with woody 'jungle floor', vines, leaves, and a place where humidity levels are maintained within a water-tight glass terrarium.
Why should I buy reptile starter kits?
If you’re a complete newcomer to the world of reptiles, a reptile starter kit is a great way to ensure you’re getting everything you need to keep your new pet happy and healthy. While the kits do contain everything, they don’t tell you how to set it up so you can still enjoy the fun of creating a suitable enclosure, styling it exactly how you want to suit your home.
What are the main types of reptile starter kits?
Our reptile starter kits are split into categories by the type of animal they are designed to house. However, we also split our range into bronze, silver, gold and platinum. The kits breakdown as follows:
Bronze - The Bronze starter kits offer just the bare essentials for a novice reptile keeper, allowing them to keep their new reptile happy and healthy, with slightly more basic yet reliable equipment. These kits come with smaller enclosures and are designed for juvenile or hatchling reptiles.
Silver - The Silver starter kits give you most or all of the kit you'll need to keep an adult reptile, depending on the species. Offering more than enough reliable and functioning kit to keep your new friend happy as they enter adulthood.
Gold - The Gold starter kits offer everything you need to look after your reptile in the long term including a large tank and the requisite heating, lighting and decor.
Platinum - The Platinum kits are what the pros opt for. Each one offers everything you need and then some more! Platinum means you get professional breeder quality equipment and an abundance of plush decor to allow the creation of something special.
What should I look for?
When choosing your reptile starter kit all you need to think about is finding the right kit for your reptile’s species and then what level of kit you want. We’ve made it as easy as possible so you can get to the fun part of designing an enclosure and spending time with your new pet.