Categories: Care sheetsAmphibians
Axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum, care sheet
Axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum, husbandry guide from the experts at Swell Reptiles, covering housing, heating, lighting and more. -
Categories: Care sheetsAmphibians
Tomato frog, Dyscophus antongilii, care sheet
Tomato frog, Dyscophus antongilii, husbandry guide from the experts at Swell Reptiles, covering housing, heating, lighting and more. -
Categories: Care sheetsAmphibians
Blue azureus dart frog, Dendrobates tinctoruis azureus, care sheet
Blue azureus dart frog, Dendrobates tinctorius azureus, husbandry guide from the experts at Swell Reptiles, covering housing, heating, lighting and more. -
Categories: Care sheetsAmphibians
Oriental fire-bellied toad, Bombina orientalis, care sheet
Oriental fire-bellied toad, Bombina orientalis, husbandry guide from the experts at Swell Reptiles, covering housing, heating, lighting and more. -
Categories: Care sheetsAmphibians
Bumblebee dart frog, Dendrobates leucomelas, care sheet
Bumblebee dart frog, Dendrobates leucomelas, husbandry guide from the experts at Swell Reptiles, covering housing, heating, lighting and more. -
Categories: Care sheetsAmphibians
Budgett's frog, Lepidobatrachus laevis, care sheet
Budgett's frog, Lepidobatrachus laevis, husbandry guide from the experts at Swell Reptiles, covering housing, heating, lighting and more. -
Categories: Care sheetsAmphibians
Pacman frog, Ceratophrys sp., care sheet
Pacman frog, Ceratophrys sp., husbandry guide from the experts at Swell Reptiles, covering housing, heating, lighting and more. -
Categories: EquipmentAmphibians
How to set up a frog terrarium at home
Frogs are some of the most diverse animals on the planet, making the finer points of setting up a frog terrarium at home a little difficult.