Lizards for sale
Help and advice on shopping for: Lizards for sale
Find your scaly soulmate
Lizards include some of the most well-known reptiles in the pet trade and lots of different species. From the best-loved Bearded dragon and Chinese water dragon, through to big Ackie monitors and tiny Leopard geckos, Crested geckos or even Fire skinks, a wide range of reptiles can be regularly found for sale at Swell Reptiles.
What are lizards?
Lizards are a subgroup of reptiles, also known scientifically as Lacertillia, that is made up of over 6,000 species of animals. Lizards are popular pets due, in part, to their unique natural abilities and distinctive appearance. If you’re interested in adopting a lizard, you must come into our store where we will interview you and ask to see an image of the enclosure the lizard will be kept in before selling it to you. We reserve the right to refuse the sale of a pet to anyone we feel is ill-prepared to care for it.
Why should I buy a lizard?
Lizards make incredible pets, with the ability to offer just as much love and affection as mammalian pets like cats and dogs. They are incredibly intelligent and make a fascinating addition to any home. Lizard keeping can also be challenging and there is a lot of preparation required to ensure they feel comfortable. Lizards can last between a few years all the way up to 30+ years so it’s best to do some research if you’re looking for a long or short term pet.
What are the main types of lizards?
Our lizards are divided into six groups including Bearded Dragons, Chameleons, Geckos, Skinks, Monitors and other lizards. Bearded Dragons are the most popular reptile pet in the UK as they are fairly easy to accommodate and handle. Chameleons are the most iconic reptiles thanks to their colour-changing ability and projectile tongue. Geckos cover a wide variety of lizards that come in a variety of sizes and colours, generally favouring a tropical enclosure. Skinks are most well-known for their small limbs and include over 1,500 species from almost every climate on Earth. Monitors are some of the largest lizards and tend to make particularly impressive pets. Finally, other lizards include a lot of smaller groups of lizards such as Iguanas and Agama.
What should I look for when purchasing a lizard?
When choosing a lizard it’s important to think about what you can accommodate. Some lizards require huge terrariums or vivariums that have higher upkeep costs while others are happy in something small that requires the occasional feeding and maintenance sessions. Do plenty of research into any species you’re considering before making a purchase.