Reptile Sexing Probes
Help and advice on shopping for: Reptile Sexing Probes
Professional gender identification
From Corn snakes to Royal pythons, gendering snakes can be very difficult and an important aspect of reptile care, especially if you’re intending to do any breeding. To help you correctly gender your snakes we have created a range of high-quality reptile sexing probes.
What are reptile sexing probes?
Reptile sexing probes are small metal instruments that are inserted in between the snake’s vent, if the probe goes in a little bit then the snake is a girl and if it goes in a lot then the snake is a boy. However, it’s important to note that misuse of a reptile sexing probe can cause a lot of damage to the animal, so we only really recommend using the probes if you have prior knowledge or veterinary training.
Why should I buy reptile sexing probes?
If you are breeding reptiles, a set of sexing probes are critical. It can also be important for a reptile keeper to know the gender of their animals as it can affect a lot of different things including life expectancy and behaviour. Reptile sexing probes are pretty cheap and durable, meaning that they are a great investment if you have the training to use them.
What are the main types of reptile sexing probes?
We sell two types of reptile sexing probes; a three-piece kit and a five-piece kit. Both kits are fine for identifying the gender of most snakes but the five-piece kit can be extended to help with sexing larger snakes.
What should I look for?
There’s not much more to think about when it comes to reptile sexing probes, however, you may want to invest in some handling gear along with your probes such as snake hooks or gloves.