Swell Jelly Pots - Packs of 6 (Multiple Flavours)

Live food and reptile jelly pots for easy feeding

99 % of 100
At a glance...
  • Jelly pots for live food and reptile feeding
  • Contains many essential vitamins and minerals like calcium
  • Available in a range of tasty flavours or assorted
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Brilliant service. Good quality products, I would definitely recommend them.
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What are Swell Jelly Pots?

Swell's Jelly Pots are an outstanding food source for fruit-eating reptiles made from a high-quality vegetable gel that has been formulated into a range of natural flavours. An alternative to the popular ProRep Jelly Pots, each jelly pot is made from a combination of fruit extract and other natural flavours, that fruit-eating creatures will love, and will easily fit into a ProRep Jelly Pot Holder.

It's also important to remember to remove uneaten jelly pots, even in a live foods enclosure, as they can go bad and develop mould on the jelly surface.

Which animals can eat jelly pots?

The Swell Jelly Pot is particularly popular with Crested geckos, Day geckos and Day geckos anoles. However, these pots aren't just for reptiles, they can be fed to fruit-eating invertebrates, including beetles, cockroaches and millipedes, either to keep them healthy or to create well-nourished live food. The pots can also be given as an occasional treat to larger lizards as part of a balanced diet.

What flavours of jelly pots can I buy?

Included in our selection is our Cricket feed, complete with 2% calcium which ensures your live food is packed full of goodness before being fed to your reptile as nutrient-packed insects, a hugely important task in keeping your pet healthy.

The other flavours, including multiple fruit flavours, can also be fed to the live food, but also directly to your reptile. These are a firm favourite of many nectar or fruit-eating geckos, including Day geckos, Crested geckos and Gargoyle geckos, but are also enjoyed by other fruit-eating animals, such as Skinks or Iguanas.



Number of pots in pack 6 pots


Product Flavour
SWLR0100 Mixed
SWLR0099 Strawberry
SWLR0098 Banana
SWLR0097 Black sugar
SWLR0096 Lactic acid
SWLR0095 Honey
SWLR0094 Mango
SWLR0093 Melon
SWLR0102 Apple
SWLR0103 Sweet cherry
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