Zoo Med Repti-Basking Spot Lamps 25w-250w

Essentials for reptiles that bask

At a glance...
  • Basking lamp for all types of reptiles
  • Focuses 35% more heat and light
  • Unique patented double reflector
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Zoo Med Repti-Basking Spot Lamps use an ES fitting and are designed to provide your reptile with a reliable source of both heat and light for their health and wellbeing.

Reptiles like things hot, having evolved in climates much warmer than the UK, and one of the best ways to keep them healthy is to ensure their environment feels both sunny and warm, and you can do this easily with a Zoo Med Repti-Basking Spot Lamp.

It utilises a third of the energy provided to it to produce plenty of heat, giving your reptile a great place to bask whilst raising the ambient air temperature, while the other 2-thirds emit a strong light to simulate the well-lit environment of the wild, with a bright shining sun.

Each lamp features a uniquely designed double reflector which focuses 35% more heat and light into a tight beam, making better use of the electricity you pay for and giving you more for your money.