Categories: Equipment
Reptile thermostat FAQs
Thermostats are one of the most important pieces of equipment in a reptile set-up. Read inside to find out the answers to the most frequently asked questions.
Categories: Health
Reptile health problems: what is inclusion body disease?
We know you love your snakes, and we sure do too, but IBD is a dangerous ailment. Read inside to find out the symptoms and prognosis of IBD.
Categories: Snakes
Snake breeding guide
If you love snakes and are thinking about bringing the next generation of your favourite reptiles into this world then that can be great.
Categories: Health
What is MBD and how can I keep my reptile safe from it?
MBD is one of the most common and feared ailments in the reptile keeping hobby, read here to learn how to prevent it and protect the health of your beloved pet.
How to keep your reptile set-up humid
Many exotic pets have high humidity requirements, read inside to find out how to maintain their humidity levels within a safe range.
Categories: Snakes
Guide to handling defensive snakes
Some snakes can be quite defensive, making handling them a challenging task. We have put together this helpful guide to make it easier for you.
What is the best reptile substrate?
Deciding on the best substrate for your animal can be a headache. Read our blog to find out which substrates are best for which species of reptile.
Best reptile pets for children
For the most part, reptiles aren’t children’s pets, however, there are some exceptions to this rule – read inside to find out!
Categories: Snakes
What to consider when getting a pet snake
Snakes make fantastic pets, but there are many considerations to go over before brining one home. Read our helpful guide to find out what these are.