How to set up a vivarium
A suitable vivarium set up is probably the most important thing to take into account when bringing a reptile, amphibian or exotic pet into your home.
Beginner reptiles
Is there such thing as a good reptile for beginners? Do you think certain reptiles are easier to keep than others? Read our help guide to find out.
Should my tortoise enclosure be indoor or outdoor?
They say that a house doesn’t become a home until it is filled with pets, so what better pet to do that than one that will be with you for life.
Reptiles and children - should they mix?
Do reptiles make good pets for children? Some can, but there are a few things to consider before getting your child a pet reptiles. Read our guide to find out.
Categories: Snakes
Keeping corn snakes: the ideal snake for the beginner
Corn snakes are one of the most popular reptiles and certainly among the most popular snakes. They’re popular for good reason, read our guide to learn why.
Reptile keeping for beginners
“Do your research,” is Ben’s biggest piece of advice to any budding reptile keeper. His second tip is not to buy the reptile before the equipment.
Creating your own desert set up
When it comes to decorating a vivarium, you have three options, desert, rainforest/tropical or woodland. Read here to learn how to create a desert set-up.
Build your tropical setup
When it comes to decorating a vivarium, you have three options, desert, rainforest/tropical or woodland. Read here to learn how to create a tropical set-up.
Reptiles: basic care guide
Read our basic care guide covering some of the most popular beginner reptiles, including Bearded dragons, Leopard geckos and Crested geckos.