Reptile Digital Thermostats
Help and advice on shopping for: Reptile Digital Thermostats
A precise and multifunctional thermostat
The most advanced and powerful thermostats are digital. Digital thermostats are capable of offering everything any other thermostat can and more. Our range of digital thermostats includes industry-leading products from brands like Exo Terra, Habistat and Lucky Reptile.
What are digital thermostats?
Digital thermostats are thermostats with small computers inside of them. These models can be programmed to do the jobs of a dimming, pulsing or on/off thermostat, although some can only do the jobs of a few of these, as well as manage several devices at once. Some digital thermostats can even manage multiple conditions within your terrarium or vivarium, including humidity.
Why should I buy digital thermostats?
These thermostats are incredibly precise and capable of creating advanced and realistic heating systems. Digital thermostats are the most expensive thermostats on the market but they also offer the most features, making for a sound investment. If you are caring for a reptile with very specific heating needs a digital thermostat is likely to make it much easier.
What are the main types of digital thermostats?
Digital thermostats are mostly divided by their functionality. Generally, the more expensive models in this range can monitor more devices and save more heating patterns. All of the digital thermostats in this range are capable of managing the heat levels in your enclosure effectively.
What should I look for?
Choosing between digital thermostats is a practical exercise as all you need to do is work out what functionality you need to manage your entire heating system and then find a digital thermometer that matches it.