Swell Arboreal Hideout

A hideout that allows your arboreal reptiles to hide and move freely within

At a glance...
  • Made from a safe and non toxic resin
  • Has three layers of spaces that allow your reptiles to climb and move freely
  • Hollow space that allows for easy observation
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What is the Swell Arboreal Hideout?

The Swell Arboreal Hideout is made from a safe and non-toxic resin that is very easy to clean and has soft edges which prevent the reptiles being scratched. It has a hollow space between the hideout and the glass so that you can easily observe your reptiles. This hideout allows your reptiles to climb and move freely within as it has three layers of space.

What are the benefits of the Swell Arboreal Hideout?

  • Allows for easy observation of your reptiles
  • Convenient installation as it is fixed by an adhesive hook
  • Made from a safe and non-toxic resin
  • Multiple layers that allow your reptiles to climb and freely move
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