Baby’s tears, Soleirolia soleirolii

A lush and vibrant Mediterranean plant

At a glance...
  • A hardy plant for homes and terrariums
  • Ideal for all areas and environments
  • Very easy to keep, grow and maintain
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Baby’s tears is one of the easiest plants to grow, we recommend it to all first-time exotic gardeners.

What are Baby’s tears?

Baby’s tears (also known as Soleirolia soleirolii, Bits and pieces, Bread and cheese and Corsican creeper) is a large evergreen perennial native to the western Mediterranean islands. The plant is known for its elegant pink-white flowers, which make an appearance in Spring. It flourishes in airy soil with good drainage and will thrive in most conditions; dry or humid, sunny or shaded. As it’s particularly hardy, it’s quite a good addition to a terrarium and will even survive more destructive reptiles.

How do you keep Baby’s tears alive?

It’s very easy to grow Baby’s tears, as long as the plant is getting some water and light it should be fine in most cases. If you start to notice wilting or any signs of ill-health, it’s more likely to be the result of too much water than heat or dryness. As it is quite a fast-growing plant, it’s also important to consider the impact it has on other plants as it can become invasive if not carefully pruned.

What are Baby’s tears good for?

Baby’s tears are best used as a filler in flower beds, rockeries and even terrariums. They will naturally fill space and add a lush, green texture. As they require little maintenance they are ideal for novice and amateur exotic gardeners.




Very easy

Size - fully grown


Spread - fully grown


Ideal moisture

Moist but well-drained

Ideal pH


Ideal substrate

Sand, chalk or clay for drainage

Ideal light

Exposed or sheltered

Country of Origin

West Mediterranean

Ideal temperature

Above 0C

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