Care sheets
Categories: Care sheetsLizards
Peacock day gecko, Phelsuma quadriocellata, care sheet
Peacock day gecko, Phelsuma quadriocellata, husbandry guide from the experts at Swell Reptiles, covering housing, heating, lighting and more.
Categories: Care sheetsSnakes
Common boa, Boa constrictor imperator, care sheet
Common boa, Boa constrictor imperator, husbandry guide from the experts at Swell Reptiles, covering housing, heating, lighting and more.
Categories: Care sheetsAmphibians
Oriental fire-bellied toad, Bombina orientalis, care sheet
Oriental fire-bellied toad, Bombina orientalis, husbandry guide from the experts at Swell Reptiles, covering housing, heating, lighting and more.
Categories: Care sheetsChelonians
Mata mata turtle, Chelus fimbrata, care sheet
Mata mata turtle, Chelus fimbrata, husbandry guide from the experts at Swell Reptiles, covering housing, heating, lighting and more.
Categories: Care sheetsAmphibians
Bumblebee dart frog, Dendrobates leucomelas, care sheet
Bumblebee dart frog, Dendrobates leucomelas, husbandry guide from the experts at Swell Reptiles, covering housing, heating, lighting and more.
Categories: Care sheetsAmphibians
Budgett's frog, Lepidobatrachus laevis, care sheet
Budgett’s frog, Lepidobatrachus laevis, husbandry guide from the experts at Swell Reptiles, covering housing, heating, lighting and more.
Categories: Care sheetsLizards
Yemen chameleon, Chameleo calyptratus, care sheet
Yemen chameleon, Chameleo calyptratus, husbandry guide from the experts at Swell Reptiles, covering housing, heating, lighting and more.
Categories: Care sheetsChelonians
Mediterranean tortoise, Testudo sp., care sheet
Mediterranean tortoise, Testudo sp., husbandry guide from the experts at Swell Reptiles, covering housing, heating, lighting and more.
Categories: Care sheetsSnakes
Royal python, Python regius, care sheet
Royal python, Python regius, husbandry guide from the experts at Swell Reptiles, covering housing, heating, lighting and more.