Swell Premium Vermiculite Fine

Ideal substrate for snakes and reptile eggs to hatch

100 % of 100
At a glance...
  • Fine clay-like substrate
  • Available in 2.5l and 5l bags
  • Helps support the healthy development of eggs into high yielding clutches
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Vermiculite is the perfect substrate for incubation substrate for snakes and reptile eggs to hatch. Best of all, because it's an own brand as part of Swell's brand match, you have the quality while also saving money when compared to big name brands. Swell Quality... Better price.


Vermiculite is a versatile substrate that works best for incubating reptile eggs but snakes and reptiles will also enjoy actually laying their eggs onto this bedding.

It is a clay-like substrate which becomes very spongey when damp which means it helps create a homely warm and humid place for your reptile to relax - especially when laying eggs.

You can use it as an incubation medium, and you can use it to encourage your reptiles to lay eggs.

Simply add a one-inch layer inside your snake cave or reptile cave and spray with a water bottle or mister.

Vermiculite is available in 5L or 10L bags.

At a glance:

  • Perfect incubation substrate
  • Ideal for snakes and reptile to lay eggs in
  • Holds humidity
  • Natural substrate
  • Cheaper than big name brands.
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