At a glance...
  • Emollient lotion made with chamomile extract
  • Treats conjunctivitis and problems caused by Vitamin A deficiencies
  • Apply twice a day directly to the eyes of your turtle
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What are Swell Reptiles Turtle Eye Drops?

The Swell Reptiles Turtle Eye Drops are a emollient lotion made with natural chamomile extract. It is perfect for cleaning and taking care of your turtles' eyes. Turles can sometimes develop swollen and red eyes due to them not receiving enough Vitamin A in their diet, leading them to not want to eat, and their eyes can swell shut and in some cases their eyes can produce pus or blood-coloured spots.

What are the benefits of the Swell Reptiles Turtle Eye Drops?

  • Treats eye infections and Vitamin A deficiencies
  • Helps the turtle gain their appetite back
  • Removes pus and helps remove blood-coloured spots

How do you use the Swell Reptiles Turtle Eye Drops?

Whether the problem is a simple eye infection or a Vitamin A deficiency it is best to treat the turtle by applying the Swell Reptiles Turtle Eye Drops twice a day, using a cotton bud. You should also use the Swell Reptiles Turtle Multi Vitamin, giving the turtle 5 drops twice a day on it's food and water.



Colloidal silver 15ppm: 80%, Matricaria recutita concentrate: 10%, Agrimona eupatoria concentrate: 10%.

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