Tortoise Feeding Equipment

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Help and advice on shopping for: Tortoise Feeding Equipment

What do tortoises eat?

Tortoises are herbivores and therefore require a plant-based diet that incorporates a variety of leafy greens, vegetables, and fruits. Their diets should also be supplemented with some specially prepared/formulated tortoise foods. These typically contain hight quantities of fibre, calcium, and phosphorous – things your tortoise needs to grow its shell and stay healthy.

How should I feed my tortoise?

While you can hand feed your tortoise or simply place its food inside its enclosure, it’s recommended that you use a tortoise feeding dish when feeding your tortoise. These tortoise feeding dishes help keep food contained and stop it from being kicked around your tortoise’s enclosure. You can buy feeding dishes in many different sizes, as well as in designs that will complement the natural look of your tortoise’s enclosure.

What other tortoise feeding equipment do I need?

As well as adding a tortoise feeding dish to your tortoise’s enclosure, you should also consider adding a tortoise water dish. These little reservoirs provide your tortoise with a source of water that they can drink and/or bathe in. Their shallow construction means that tortoises can easily access them and aren’t at any risk from drowning inside them. For more tortoise accessories, click here!