Swell Deep Heat Energy Bulb 50w

Energy efficient carbon fibre heat bulb that replicates the heat of the sun

At a glance...
  • Encourages natural behaviour
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Promotes blood circulation
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What is the Swell Deep Heat Energy Bulb 50w?

The Swell Deep Heat Energy Bulb is a 50w carbon fibre heat bulb that simulates the infrared heat of the sun. The Swell Deep Heat Energy Bulb generates heat for your reptile that helps to promote blood circulation, providing vitality and powering many biological processes.

What are the benefits of the Swell Deep Heat Energy Bulb 50w?

This long lasting, energy efficient bulb is perfect for providing a wide range of reptiles with consistent warmth. This bulb has been designed to replicate the heat of the sun, encouraging natural behaviour. Heat is essential in strengthening the immune system of your reptile, reducing stress and the risk of illness. As well as this, the heat also supports digestion by helping reptiles to metabolise their food properly, allowing them to get the nutrients they need.

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