Zoo Med Turtleclean Deluxe Turtle Filter

Sufficient filtration for Turtle tanks

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At a glance...
  • Filtration capacity for Turtle tanks up to 10 and 20 gallons
  • External tank with space bar included
  • Adjustable flow control
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The Turtleclean Deluxe Filter is an internal filtration system, that comes in a choice of sizes - the Deluxe 10, for tanks 10G (38l), and Deluxe 20 for 20G (75l). This is a highly efficient design, whilst maintaining low wattages (Deluxe 10 is only 3.5w!)

This should ideally be mounted vertically in the corner of the tank, but can be used horizontally in shallow systems if needed. It comes complete with an easy-open door to clean the cartridges, so you don't have to remove the whole filter out every time. With turtles, cartridges can become blocked up quickly, so this handy feature can save a lot of time. Replacement filters are available from Swell Reptiles, and should be changed periodically through the year, around 4 times, or as needed.


  • Deluxe 10 - 28.5 x 6.5 x 9cm
  • Deluxe 20 - 28.5 x 7.5 x 11cm
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